She's incredible in the role and was incredibly convincing at playing this woman who, for some reason or another, is still stuck in her high school days. And Charlize Theron is more than up to the task of becoming this complete and utterly unlikable character. But it's refreshing to see a film where a character goes on being selfish, I think it takes a lot of balls. What with watching the Kardashians all day, so there's some part of you that would like to see her change. That may lead many to be disappointed in the film since you do get to see this character of Mavis Gary be, quite frankly, the biggest bitch she can be to everybody around here, trying to break up a happily married man from his wife, thinking of herself as the biggest thing to ever hit Mercury despite her life being utterly boring.
The strength of the script lies in the fact that some people simply don't change, or they simply refuse to. This is an excellent film with some excellent writing and a fantastic performances from their leads.